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Courses & Events

Sisterhood & Community


Courses & Events

Sisterhood & Community

"The loss of the feminine in our personal lives takes many forms  [...]. It may be felt as a sacred longing for a way of life, a feeling of inclusion, or a set of practices which are currently ridiculed in our culture as insipid, insubstantial, or even dangerous. [...] The Feminine values the intelligence of our feelings; recognises the necessity of ceremony [...] teaches the power of listening and being witnessed; holds the significance of intuition and [...] honours the body's wisdom."

Toko-pa Turner, Belonging

LivModer one-day Retreats


A lot of love and attention goes into planning these beautiful days with different themes

linked to the female body and to the changing seasons.


These are days for self-care and self-expression, set in beautiful locations close to nature and water.

A sacred space for self-exploration and reflection, of listening inwards and listening to others - sharing what matters deeply to us, while being supported wholeheartedly by a small group of sisters, and held lovingly by Mother Earth.


Let yourself be guided through various activities, such as mindful movement and dance, stillness and silence, music, drumming and singing, meditation and visualisation, fire ritual, nature immersion, ceremonial cacao, sharing circles…


Delicious vegan food and fika are served.

In Swedish, or English depending on the needs of the women present.






This 2 day course is for all women who want to get know their own body better, or for those who work with other women’s bodies (manual therapists, yoga/movement teachers, etc.)

It consists of a mix of theory (using images, and models), with practical hands-on and movement exercises, to ground and integrate the information in the living body.

This course is given in Swedish, or English depending on the needs of the participants.



Day 1

  •  Anatomy of the pelvis: musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, muscles, fascia), nervous system, circulatory system, organs). 

  • The pelvis during movement.

  • How the pelvis relates to the rest of the body.

  • Self-care (exercise/movement, posture/alignment, self-massage ect).



Day 2

  • The energy systems located within the female pelvis (the "Womb space" as a creative feminine center, the Root- and Sacral chakras, Holistic Pelvic Care, etc).

  • Conscious menstruation (honouring our moon time and reclaiming menstruation as sacred). Please note, this course will not cover the physiology of the menstrual cycle in any detail, or any fertility awareness method.

  • Self-care practices and tools (herbs, vaginal steaming, womb and yoni self-massage, yoni egg, cervical self-exam, meditations/visualisations etc).


1950 kr (inc 25% vat). Fika is included. 





“There is a dance only you can do, that exists only in you, here and now, always changing, always true. Are you willing to listen with fascination?” “Once your body surrenders to movement, your soul remembers its dance." -Gabriell Roth


Drawing from my extensive and varied dance- and movement experiences,

these sessions offer an opportunity to practice getting out of the head and into the body.

No previous dance experience is needed, only a curious, non-judgemental attitude and a desire to discover more about yourself.


Although the focus is on your individual experience, pair- and group activities are also included.

In Swedish, or English depending on participants needs.



Heart Dance

Starting with ceremonial cacao and meditation to connect with our heart chakra, and with the heart as an organ of perception and communication, we then explore how to listen to- and move from our hearts. We find pleasure and make discoveries, through our moving pulsating bodies and our beating hearts…



Dancing the Four Elements

These outdoor movement meditation workshops puts us in direct contact with the elements of water, fire, air and earth, and help us explore their qualities within our own female bodies. This workshop is sometimes combined with a Yoni Steam Circle. 











The Female Pelvis

Dance & Movement Workshops

For more information, dates, prices etc. subscribe to updates, follow me on Instagram, or contact me directly.


”[...] you made this day, this Sacred Women’s circle particularly magical and powerful. You really know how to reach women’s souls and how to create sisterhood.”

Dolores, Retreat participant

”The way the day was choreographed was so seemless, flowing from theme to activity to experience. The beginning with cacao bringing the head into the heart was so profound. Landing into sensuality and delicacy of texture and flavor. Your care for detail brought me into detailed observation. Your casual spirit relaxed my need to learn or know anything. So skilled as a facilitator.”

Eva, Retreat participant

"I was really touched by your dance workshop. I was completely involved in it, mind, body and heart. In the end I felt changed. ... I really felt an urge to take my diary and write. To reopen and widen the connection between my heart and my mind. ... I felt alive, connected and warm. You have made my life truer and deeper."

Heart Dance participant 

Circles & Ceremonies

Sisterhood & Community


 ”The sacred is not in heaven or far away.

It is all around us, and small human rituals

can connect us to its presence."

Alma Luz Villanueva





LivModer offers Women's Circles, Ceremonies and Rituals,

with the aim of fascilitating connection with the Sacred - within ourselves, one another, and the Feminine.


Below you can fnd a very short description of some of my offerings. Please subsrcibe to newsletter to recieve updates and ivitations. For questions, more information, or to collaborate, send me a message via the contact form.

I generally work in and around Stockholm, but if you can organise a space and a small group of women, I can also travel to you.

LivModer Goddess Healing Ceremony








This women’s circle offers an opportunity for celebrating your physical and energetic feminine body.

A sacred time-out of everyday life - this is a space for tuning into YOUrself.

Connect with your heart- and root chakra through ceremonial cacao, guided meditation and visualisations,

yoni steam, movement, stillness and creative activities.


"Thank you Susannah Rickman Liv.Moder for a spectacularly healing Yoni Heart circle.

It’s still percolating through my system, but I can say even now that I’m vivified in a way that I don’t recognise, and I’ve tried a LOT of things in my time! The herbs in particular really reached the innermost folds of my consciousness and are deeply anchored in a part of me that needs no cognitive processes. The oxytocin-laden bond with other women you facilitate in a multitude of ways in the circle is as deliciously sweet, fresh and zesty as the wild honey you shared in the cacao ceremony. Gosh I really have no words, I’m blown away by how powerful this was, I have a plethora of strength embedded in my hidden pockets and seams that will nourish me for months to come. Thank you for holding space so wisely and intelligently. I bow to you, Sister."

- Kristina Turner






Circle dancing is probably the oldest known dance form. It is an ancient tradition common to many cultures, not only during celebrations and rituals, but also for strengthening community. Inspired by traditional circle dances, women’s ritual dances, Findhorn’s Sacred Circle dances, as well as my own experience of folk dance, these choreographed circle dances are a form of group meditation. We move with mindfulness and sacred intention to transform the movement into embodied prayers.

As we dance together, making eye- and hand-contact, we perceive and sense our own unique beauty and sacredness reflected back to us by the sisters in the circle. The dances are easy to learn, made up of simple repeated movement patterns and steps. Each gesture acts as a metaphor, reflecting the meaning of the lyrics, or the theme of a dance. 

No previous knowledge is needed, each dance is taught, or reviewed on every occasion. Music may be live or recorded. 

The session start with a short meditation to tune into your own body and to the group. 


Heart & Yoni Circle 

Sacred Circle Dances 

Part ceremony, part healing body workthis private one-to-one session honours the woman, as the sacred being that she is. 

It starts with a heart opening cacao ritual and setting of intentions through guided meditation.

This is followed by a full body massage. Unlike a normal massage, the focus here is not so much on releasing muscular tension,

as it is on creating a space for the woman to enter into a process of deep listening and connecting with herself.  

Guided visualisations, breathwork and heat, body blessings, essential oils and music all play their parts in shaping a meaningful, beautiful and healing experience. A yoni/vaginal steam and/or internal (vaginal) work may be included (to be agreed beforehand).

The Ceremony ends with time for reflection, writing, drawing, moving, or talking to integrate the experience. 


This ceremony can be adapted to mark a life transition, celebrate a special time in a woman's life, or as support while she is going through a difficult time. It can also be a loving gift to yourself, or someone you care about.

Don't hesitate to contact me, so that we can explore how to best support your individual needs and wishes. 

For women who have given birth in the past year, I offer a Postpartum Healing Ceremony instead.

LivModer Book Circle 

Part book club, part women's circle - we meet to share our experiences and insights

Participants receive invitations to exclusive events/ceremonies related to the books, such as

Burning Woman Ceremony and Medicine Woman Circle.

Read More 



"Imagine a woman who

values the women in her life.
A woman who sits in circles of women.
Who is reminded of the truth

about herself when she forgets.

Imagine yourself as this woman." 

Extract from the poem Imagine a Woman by Patricia Lynn Reilly, 1995

Yes please, I would like to recieve

updates and invitations for LivModer events

Thank you, I will be in touch. 



We Have Come To Be Danced by Jewel Mathieson

We have come to be danced
not the pretty dance
not the pretty pretty, pick me, pick me dance
but the claw our way back into the belly
of the sacred, sensual animal dance
the unhinged, unplugged, cat is out of its box dance
the holding the precious moment in the palms
of our hands and feet dance

We have come to be danced
not the jiffy booby, shake your booty for him dance
but the wring the sadness from our skin dance
the blow the chip off our shoulder dance
the slap the apology from our posture dance

We have come to be danced
not the monkey see, monkey do dance
one, two dance like you
one two three, dance like me dance
but the grave robber, tomb stalker
tearing scabs & scars open dance
the rub the rhythm raw against our souls dance

WE have come to be danced
not the nice invisible, self conscious shuffle
but the matted hair flying, voodoo mama
shaman shakin’ ancient bones dance
the strip us from our casings, return our wings
sharpen our claws & tongues dance
the shed dead cells and slip into
the luminous skin of love dance

We have come to be danced
not the hold our breath and wallow in the shallow end of the floor dance
but the meeting of the trinity: the body, breath & beat dance
the shout hallelujah from the top of our thighs dance
the mother may I?
yes you may take 10 giant leaps dance
the Olly Olly Oxen Free Free Free dance
the everyone can come to our heaven dance

We have come to be danced
where the kingdom’s collide
in the cathedral of flesh
to burn back into the light
to unravel, to play, to fly, to pray
to root in skin sanctuary
We have come to be danced

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