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Treatment & Bodywork

Women's Health & Wellbeing


I have been a body worker for fifteen years and before that I was a professional dancer. I have been fascinated with the human body and movement as far back as I can remember. However, there is much truth to be found in the expression "the more you know, the more you know you don't know". The desire to keep learning only grows stronger every year,  along with my understanding of the need to be able to embrace uncertainty and to manage complexity. During the last five years, since I became pregnant, I have felt a strong calling to learn more about feminine ways of healing and women's health. In 2018 I opened LivModer Clinic, after finally deciding to focus my work specifically to the needs of women.

Below you can read more about the treatments I offer. Discounts are available to women who are full time students, on sickleave, unemployed, or retired. 





Osteopathy is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems through manual therapy. It both complements and sometimes challenges Western medicine, but thankfully today, “the paradigms of Western medicine are shifting – not away from but towards those already rooted in osteopathy: that all parts are interdependent and that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts” (Stone, Science in the Art of Osteopathy). Osteopaths aim to understand how symptoms in any parts of the body relates the rest of the body, as well as how it fits in with the person’s life at large.


Osteopathy can help ease, or alleviate a wide range of symptoms including (but not limited to): pain and stiffness in muscles and joints, such as back- and neck pain, headache, shoulder-, hip-, pelvic- knee- and foot pain.

Many common health issues are linked to how we are/have, or are/have not been using and moving our bodies. By influencing the musculoskeletal system (the system that produces movement in the body), osteopaths believe we may improve health across all body systems, as movement affect health all the way down to the cellular level. 

"The mechanical environment is perhaps the most important and yet the most ignored, aspect of a cell’s environment”. “Searching for health solutions without considering your “movement environment” inevitably produces results that are limited in scope and benefit” (Katy Bowman, Move your DNA). Osteopaths work to improve movement where it is limited and to restore movement where there is none, as we consider that effective and efficient movement in all the body's tissues and structures, contribute to balanced homeostatic function and therefore the body’s ability to heal itself.  


The therapeutic medium of touch is used. A wide range of techniques can be utilised, such as soft tissue manipulation (massage), myofascial release techniques, trigger point work, joint articulation and manipulation (low amplitude high velocity thrusts), techniques for the viscera (organs) and ligaments, as well as neuromuscular techniques and working with the nervous system. As osteopaths we work with all body tissues and fluids, even though we use the musculoskeletal tissues as a ‘handle’ into deeper layers and less accessible structures. An important aspect of osteopathic treatment is considering how the person is using their body in daily life, and how this can be adapted to better support their health and wellbeing.


Osteopathy was founded at the end of the 19th century. Today it is an internationally recognised and established method. Training to become an osteopath takes 4-5 years. In many countries including Great Britain, osteopaths are part of the primary health care system. In Sweden we are yet to achieve professional licence (legitimation).  I am a member of Svenska Osteopatförbundet (the Swedish Osteopathic Association), which is working tirelessly towards this aim, so that osteopathy can be accessible to more people and be better integrated into the healthcare system here.


There are many different types of osteopaths, some even say there are as many "osteopathies" as there are osteopaths! However, they all encompass the same underlying principles and have common threads that link them, making it a very rich profession.  I am influenced by my personal experiences, interests and further training. No one is capable of being all things to all people and conditions. Self-appraisal is an important trait of any health care professionals. I will always refer to other health professionals, if I believe they are better suited to your needs, or for other care alongside that which I can offer.



Initial appointment 90 min, 900 kr (inc. vat)

Follow up appointment 60 min, 900 kr (inc. vat)


For more information about osteopathy visit:

“To find health should be the object of the practitioner. Anyone can find disease.”  Dr. Still, founder of Osteopathy


“You are how you move.” “It is through your choices of movement and cellular loads these choices create that your body becomes your autobiography.” Katy Bowman


I trained and worked as a massage therapist before I studied osteopathy and I continue to offer massage as a therapeutic modality, as I appreciate the many benefits of a really good massage.


Knowing that you are in safe, experienced hands, you can relax fully and enjoy recieving a massage by someone who has great understanding of the body,

and who can apply skilful and precise touch to meet your body's needs.


The massage can be done with clothes, or in your underwear (with massage oil).

If you suffer with pain, injury, or illness, it’s better that you initially book an osteopathy consultation. 


60 min 900 kr (inc. vat)

120 min (full-body massage) 1800 kr (inc vat)


I also offer a different type of massage LivModer Goddess Massage, which is part ceremony part bodywork. Find out more.


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HPC™ is a gentle form of internal pelvic floor bodywork and intra-vaginal massage combined with breathwork and guided visualisations. It combines physical treatment with energetic/emotional/spiritual elements – vital aspects of women’s health, which are largely unacknowledged within tradition physical therapy and other western medical care. A woman’s pelvic bowl; her “womb-space”, can be viewed (and experienced) as much more than a physical container for her reproductive organs. It is also her seat of creativity and female power and a sacred centre with the ability to receive, gestate and birth - not only babies, but also her creative

.projects and dreams


Holistic Pelvic Care™ (HPC) was developed by women’s health pioneer, writer and physical therapist Tami Lynn Kent. HPC is for women of all ages and addresses pelvic symptoms and/or enhance general wellness, by easing tension and increasing awareness and presence. The primary goal of HPC™ is to “Empower a woman to inhabit her pelvic space and occupy her feminine ground physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually.” Tami Lynn Kent


Specific concerns that may be addressed by HPC™ includes (but are not limited to):

Pelvic pain, pelvic floor tension or weakness, pain during sexual activity, vaginismus and vulvodynia, urinary leakage, prolapse and healing from birth (vaginal or caecarean). Low back- and hip pain may also be relieved, due to the close anatomical and functional relationships between these areas of the body and the pelvis. It is also excellent for postpartum care. 


Pelvic tension and imbalances can have many causes; ranging from physical injury, childbirth, poor posture and prolonged sitting, to emotional stress and trauma. Just like with muscles in other areas of your body, tension in your pelvic muscles will lead to congestion. As a consequence of restricted blood and energy flow, health is reduced. I practice HPC™ with an osteopath’s perspective and will at times combine osteopathy with HPC™. The pelvis is located at the centre of the body and any imbalance/change/tension here, will greatly affect the rest of the body (and vice versa!).


What happens during a HPC™ session?


The first appointment includes me listening to a woman's personal and medical history. Each session is then tailored to the individual woman’s needs, as well as her own intention and goals with the treatment.

Internal work is not always done during the initial session. Sometime there is a need to first work around the pelvis (with the abdomen, lower back, gluteal muscles and legs) and with breath and visualisation for part of the session, or for several session, before a woman feels ready to work internally.

The internal work begins with me assessing the pelvic floor muscles (with a gloved finger through the vagina), looking for tension patterns, weakness, numbness/decreased sensation, or painful areas, as well as the ability to engage and release the muscles in a balanced and co-ordinated way. My touch is used in a neutral compassionate way that is neither sexual, nor medical. The treatment consists of gentle massage with myofascial release, trigger point work, as well as using breath and visualisation to release tension, or increase awareness and presence where needed.


Unexpressed emotions are often held within the core of the body. They can become obstacles to energy flow and create physical tension. Acknowledging buried feelings and releasing contained energy is essential. It is not uncommon when working with root patterns in this way that emotions, memories, or insights rise to the surface. A safe and nurturing space is created to allow this to happen. It is always the response of the individual woman’s body that guides the depth and direction of the work. During a HPC™ sessions I listen carefully to the woman’s body and the subtle messages its conveying, as she enters into an intimate dialogue with her own body. We work with what is, never pushing, or asking the body for more than it is ready for.


Giving yourself this time and attention is an act of deep self-love and radical self-care. By becoming aware of the subtle language of your own body, you can learn a lot about your own boundaries and needs. Though the treatment is gentle, the effects are often profound and women often notice changes in their bodies, and a renewed relationship to their pelvis even after only one session. The number of sessions needed depends of the extent of a woman’s symptoms and how long she has been having them. Self-care advice and educational information regarding pelvic anatomy and physiology is included in the session as needed.


As far as I am aware, I am currently the only person is Sweden trained by Tami to offer Holistic Pelvic Care™. For a list of practitioners in other countries, visit Tami’s website

To gain a deeper understanding of this work, I recommend that you read the book Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent (more information can be found under LivModer Book Circle).


90 min, 1450 kr (inc. vat)

Holistic Pelvic Care

An act of deep self-love and radical self-care

BODYwork-MOVEment Session

Before I was a manual therapist, I was a professional dancer and choreographer. I like to believe that training and experience has made me a better body worker, because I can see and feel the rhythm and flow (or lack thereof) of a body in movement. 


Movement habit are not easy to change. However, any change must begin with an inner awareness, and a curiosity and willingness to try something new. Learning a bit about the nervous system, about pain mechanisms and simple biomechanics, moving mindfully, exploring how to "spread the load", using visualisations etc, can sometimes bring about significant shifts in a relatively short time. 


This may be for you if a certain movement hurt, or if you simply feel restricted in your movements. The session consists of a combination of passive (I move your body) and active (you move yourself) movements. Part of the session takes place on the treatement table and part of it in the studio; with me supporting and guiding you through exploring your new-found greater range, "new" alignment, and/or different relationship with- and response to your (painful, or otherwise) body. I consider this active part of the treatment to be important, in order to integrate the hands-on work in a more effective and useful way, than if you just get of the table and get on with your day straight away. 


I have spent a great deal of time, exploring movement in different dance classes, in yoga and ta chi, in Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Pilates, and Klein sessions and so on. I have read numerous books by various movement experts such as Katy Bowman, Mary Bond, Eyel Lederman, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Thom Hargrove etc, and I am drawing from this wide range of experiences, research and inspirations in my work.

Initial Session, 90 min 900 kr (inc. vat)

Follow-up Sessions 60 min 900 kr


To book, send me a message (this can ont be booked via bokadirekt)

"For the last years I have been consistently getting wonderful treatments with Susannah. As a professional dancer I find it very helpful to promote ease and relaxation in my body. Susannah has a keen sense of the body and closely listens to what you need each time.

Katie (Osteopathy)

"I feel very grateful for the opportunity to meet myself in a new way and to release the many layers of experiences and stress that has been building up over a long time. The session openened something within me that have been longing for, but haven't known how to channel." 

 Mia (Holistic Pelvic Care)

"Jag har fått flera behandlingar av Susannah. Hon är extremt kunnig och både hjälpt mig med smärta efter en gammal ryggskada och att bearbeta förlossningstrauma. Dessutom känner jag mig alltid så tryggt hållen, och hennes mottagningsrum är bland de mysigaste jag varit i."

Lou Norna Ae



"Jag var på en Holistic pelvic care-behandling hos Susannah. Jag hade en traumatisk förlossning och Susannahs behandling hjälpte mig jobba igenom händelsen och även att släppa den.

Hon är en mycket skicklig osteopat och hjälpte mig även bli av med spändheten och värken i nacken.

Hennes kvinnocirklar är fantastiska! Man märker hur mycket hon brinner för kvinnohälsa och att hjälpa kvinnor som har problem/smärta i underlivet. Jag rekommenderar Susannah till alla jag känner. Susannah har ett stort hjärta, är väldigt inkännande och har magiska händer.

Frida Trönnberg


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