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LivModer Book Circle

”I am a firm believer in the power of words to move energy into matter and thought into action.” Lucy H. Pearce

The books I have chosen have a potential to awaken and inspire deep transformation. They are ideally suited to read alongside other women, due to the reflective questions and exercises that they contain. The circles are an opportunity to share experiences and insights. We support each other, as we turn our thoughts into action and apply what we discover to our own lives.





There are currently no book circle running.

To join:  Get one of the books (or alll!) and start reading. Send a message via the Contact form, to receive an invitation with meeting dates and further info. Free to attend. We meet in Stockholm (or online if you live afar).


Participants receive invitations to exclusive events/ceremonies related to the books, such as

"Burning Woman Ceremony" and "Medicine Woman Circle".

Wild Feminine Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body by Tami Lynn Kent

This book has deeply influenced me, not only personally, but also the direction of my work through expanding the way I view the female body, and it inspired me to train with Tami in Holistic Pelvic Care. I recommend this book to any woman interested in learning more about herself and her feminine bodymindspirit.


From the back cover:

“Wild Feminine is both a physical health book […] and a revolutionary guide to the feminine. Based on her work with women and a profound study of the female energy system, Tami has created a whole new way of working with and understanding the female body. […] Through a combination of pelvic-centred self-care tools - bodywork, energy work, visualizations, and other creative exercises – Wild Feminine offers a unique approach for women […].”


Praise for Wild Feminine:

“Never before have I seen an author put into words concepts that encompass the deepest spiritual meaning and eternal symbolism of what it means to be a woman.”

Rosita Arvigo

 “There is not a woman in the world who would not benefit from reading it. Whether you are seeking healing form emotional or sexual wounding, or you just want to learn how to more fully enjoy and inhabit the most feminine aspect of yourself…”

Elisabeth Lesser

“Within the pages of Wild Feminine lies great hope for women, natural birth, and all things precious to the female body.”

Ina May Gaskin

“Wild Feminine is the medicine that we all need to bodily reclaim the power and pleasure that are our birthrights.”

Christiane Northrup


Belonging Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-pa Turner

This is one of the most beautiful book I’ve read. It provides interesting insights into human behaviour, and plenty of inspiration, of how to influence the world at large through our own inner growth and transformation. It is also a fascinating account of the meaning and importance of dreams.


From the back cover:

“[…] Most people think of belonging as a mythical place, and they may spend a lifetime searching for it in vain. But what if belonging isn’t a place at all? What if it’s a skill that has been lost or forgotten? […] Drawing on myth, stories and dreams […] she shares the competencies of belonging: a set of ancestral practices to heal our wounds and restore true belonging to our lives and to the world.”


Praise for Belonging:

“Certain people invite you into an experience that will alter your world view forever. They have gone so deep, searched so thoroughly, traversed territories that most would shun, and then they return and lay their soul at your feet. […] If you are ready, take her hand and prepare to grow.”

Clare Dubois

“[…] I consider her a vessel for genius, someone who has a direct line to the soul of the world and knows how to translate soul-wisdom into words that feel like home.”

Seraphina Capranos

“[…] Belonging is the book I have been longing to read all my life.”

Lucy H. Pearce


Burning Woman by Lucy H. Pearce


This is a sisterbook of Burning Women, and should ideally (but not necessarily) be read after. 

It is “[…] a feminine cultural critique that digs deep into the roots of patriarchal medicine. It asks the uncomfortable questions that our culture refuses to face […]


This a book for every woman who is suffering with recurring pain, long-term illness or disease, anxiety, stress or depression. It is for women who want to re-vision how they can harness the transformational powers of pain, or illness in order to heal. For women who want to reclaim their own healing journey and take responsibility (very different from blame!) for their own lives. It is for the woman that has a nagging feeling that something is seriously wrong with “the system” and who appreciates that our inside world reflects the outside world. It is for women who wants to explore a feminine archetype of healing. It is one of the most important books I have read.


This book is also a must-read for anyone who works with healthcare. It provides an understanding and appreciation for the complexities behind the health issues facing women today, and an understanding of how patriarchy with its systemic suppression of feminine knowledge and intuition are making and keeping women sick. It should be required reading at medical school!


LivModer is hosting a regular ongoing Medicine Woman Book Circle for women who have read, or are reading it. The book asks the reader to do deep inner and outer work, through reflective questions and suggested activities. This process is fascilitated by the safe support of the circle (in addition to the online community offered by Lucy herself.)




I believe this is a book that every woman should read. 

“This book is a wake-up call to the Burning Woman within you. A remembering through words, visions, poems and practices, an invitation to reinhabit your powerful body."

"It is an embrace of the passionate woman and the wild  mother. It is written for every woman who follows her own spirit, who dares to put herself first. […] She who dares to give voice to what is inside her, who shakes things up and burns them down. […] It is for her, and all of us, who long to be more like her wherever on the path we may be.”

“In order to fully understand our own limitations, hesitations, blocks and anxieties we have to dvelve into our his-tory. Both the official his-tory that we have learned, as well as her-story that has been surpressed. […] this book was hard to write. And may be hard to read. But I believe it is necessary to join the dots and to feel the emotions that are evoked by the facts: to recognise what we have become blind to, so that we may see more clearly the way ahead.”

– Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman


Praise for Burning Woman:

“This book is initiation by ignition. […] she dares to ask and answer fundamental questions about feminine power […] If you’re no longer willing or able to play it safe, if you’re aching to burn bright, if you’re already dancing in the fire, read this book and source fuel of Burning Women from every time, everywhere.”

Autumn Weaver and Baraka Elihu

“[…] A burning hot antidote to the vague and cool tones of the endless wave of self-hep and development books on the market. Digging deep into herstory, showing us the roots of our blocks and fears, sharing her own burning story, Lucy blazes the way for every woman to free the burning soul within. Take a deep breath and dive in.”

Awen Clement

“Gripping, grounded, affirming and real. I wish I could gift every girl and woman I know a copy of this book. We deserve more than a bland flat surface description of ourselves as women – or airy fairy feminine metaphors […].

Clare Campbell


Women who participate in this Book Circle are invited to co-create a Burning Woman Ceremony.


Medicine Woman by Lucy H Pearce

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