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LivModer Doula Services


During an initial free of charge meeting, you have the opportunity to ask all your questions,

and a chance to feel if I am the right match for you.  


LivModer doula services are available in the greater Stockholm area.

Distant/Online Prenatal Doula Support is offered for women elsewhere. 


Individual payment plans can be made to suit your circumstances.

A discount on all doula services is offered to single mothers. 


If you have any questions, please get in touch via the contact form and I will get back to you shortly.

Pregnant Woman by Birch

LivModer Pregnancy Doula
(does not include support during birth)

LivModer Pregnancy/Prenatal Doula support help you enjoy your pregnancy and prepare for birth and postpartum.

Although I believe the extra support offered by a doula during birth can be invaluable, I certainly don’t believe that you must have a doula present in order to have the birth you desire. However, I do believe that knowing your rights and all your options and exploring your personal beliefs and motivations, increases your ability to work out want you want and why. This in turn enables you to prepare for your birth physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I believe this greatly increases your chances of having a positive birthing experience, and a smoother transition into motherhood. 


Research show that having continuous support during birth improves outcomes for both mother and baby. By supporting the person (co-parent, or other), who you have chosen to be present at your birth, as well as giving them information, insights and practical tools - this doula service enables them to support you in the best way possible. 


The Pregnancy Doula service is available from the very beginning of pregnancy, or whenever you feel the need. However, the earlier we connect the more you will get out of this support, which includes:



  • Ongoing contact over email and phone.

  • 2 in person meetings (6 hours in total), where we unpack the meaning of birth for you, I share information and resources and you have a chance to vent feelings and thoughts and ask questions. The content of these meetings are based on your individual needs.

  • A private birth preparation course. Read more.

  • Support with making a Birth- and a Postpartum Plan which clearly states your needs, wishes and demands. 

  • 1 LivModer Pregnancy Massage (2-hour) and 2 Osteopathy treatments.

  • LivModer Mother Blessing Ceremony. Read more.


Get in touch for pricing. 


LivModer Pregnancy & Birth Doula

  • This includes everything in Pregnacy/Prenatal Doula Support (see details above) and in addition:

  • 24h on-call, from 2 weeks before your estimated due date until your birth.

  • Continous doula support during birth, from whenever you feel the need, until after your baby is born.

  • A back-up doula (used in case of sickness only).

  • One post-birth visits in the first week after birth, and a follow up visit after about 6 weeks (when you've had more time to process the experience and recover).



Get in touch for pricing. 

Birth Doula - Team

I am on call together with 1, or 2 other doulas, who work in a similar way to me. 

This doula service includes:


  • One pre-birth meetings in your home (4 h in total), together with all doulas when possible. 

  • Private birth preparation course (3h)

  • Help with writing a birth plan.

  • 24h on-call from 2 weeks before, until 2 weeks after your estimated due date.

  • Continous doula support during your birth, from one of the doulas on call.

  • One home visit after the birth (2-3 h)

Get in touch for pricing. 

Mother and Baby in Autumn

Postpartum Doula /After Birth

LivModer Postpartum Doula Service offers support during the first 6 weeks after birth.


This doula service includes:​                                                                                                                                                                                    

  • 1 meeting (3-4 hours) during pregnancy to create your Postpartum Plan, based on your individual wishes and needs.

  • 6 Weekly home visits (3-4 hours each, including treatment). The focus during the home visits are on you and your family's individual needs and wishes. It may for example include supporting you to process your birth story, help with breastfeeding, baby-care (including baby massage), practical help (such as light house work and cooking) etc. However, your exact needs may not become apparent until after the birth, so there is a lot of flexibility in how this time can be used, to ensure that it is of most benefit to you. 

  • 6 weekly LivModer Postpartum Osteopathy treatments/Massages in your home (I bring everything we need, including treatment table). Read more. 

  • Postpartum Vaginal Steaming Protocol (instructions and herb supplies for 30 days). 

  • Postpartum Healing Ceremony at LivModer Clinic, after the end of the 8 weeks. Read more.

  • LivModer Postpartum Gift Bag.


Get in touch for pricing. 

I also offer postpartum doula services on an hourly basis (3 h minimum at a time). 

You are most welcome to contact me to discuss your needs and what can be included.



A discount is offered when booking the Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum Doula Services. 

Morning Light

Pregnancy/Prenatal Doula Distance Support

LivModer also offer distant doula support before birth, over the phone and via email and Skype chats. This may be for you if you live in an area where there are no doulas available. Or, if you simply feel a wish to connect with me specifically.
Content varies depending on your needs, but can include information/answering questions and guiding you to available resources, talking through your rights and options, helping you explore your personal beliefs and motivations, help with writing your birth/postpartum plan, guiding you through visualisations/meditations, Birth Preparation Course etc. 


Get in touch for pricing. 

I offer a 30 min free introductory Skype chat, so you have a chance to find out if this may be for you.

Other Doula Support

Would you like support while going through, or healing from a miscarriage, or abortion? Do you want a doula with you when you go to the gynaecologist/for a pelvic exam? Would you like doula support through your journey of trying to concieve?

Or would you perhaps like support while "gestating" and "birthing" a creative project of yours?

The options and possibilities are many...! You are most welcome to contact me to find out if and how I may be of service to you. 





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